You may believe that your building is secure– that no one would want to hack it– and, even if they did, they won’t cause much damage, right? Wrong! Even household names such as Google have previously been hacked. Let us help secure your building.
Just before the holidays in 2013, Target was breached through the supplier of building automation and HVAC services. Stolen credentials from Fazio Mechanical Services were breached by hackers who snatched 40 million debit- and credit-card numbers late last year from Target’s electronic cash registers, called point-of-sale (POS) systems… Read more.
As just one of many examples, Google in Australia was hacked through their building automation system.
“Two security researchers recently found that they could easily hack the building management system for the corporate giant’s Wharf 7 office overlooking the water in the Pyrmont section of Sydney, Australia…” Read more.
21,000 sites across the country were found vulnerable to a breach including a number of government buildings.
” […] zero-day vulnerability allows access to Tridium’s config.bog file, which holds usernames and passwords to login to building control systems. From there an attacker could login to the administrator panel and commence wreaking havoc, with the ability to stop and start elevators, open doors in between floors, crank up the heat, shut down the lights, spy through CCTV cameras, turn off those cameras and unlock access to buildings for thieves, and much more…” Read more.
We are a program manager that helps with the design and acquisition of technology for facilities....