
Are you on top of your Security, Haystack, Integration, and Topology?

Hopefully you didn’t miss the acronym; it wasn’t an accident.


Security was addressed in “The Hacker’s Dream”


Haystack is a naming and tagging standard for how you manage and use data as it relates to the built world. You wouldn’t put a database together without having rules in place so as to get to the big data questions. Your facility department knows equipment and applications, but doesn’t really think about how data is managed and used.


What are the standards for integrating and how are the software tool sets being managed? We would almost guarantee that if you asked your facility department for a list of software tools they used to operate the facility, it would be gigantic and unwieldy; they just don’t realize it.


Hopefully you work closely with your facility department, but we’re sure you’re not aware of all the new devices that are being added to a network potentially under your domain. Is it BACnet, LONWORKS, Modbus, wireless Zigbee, wireless EnOcean and many more or just plain IP?

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Who is FIX Consulting?

We are a program manager that helps with the design and acquisition of technology for facilities....

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